Hair Restoration Surgical Tools for FUE Physicians
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Hair Restoration Surgical Tools for FUE Physicians

Dr. Fabrizio Shares is Thoughts on the CI FUE Training and PCID

Dr. Fabrizio Shares is Thoughts on the CI FUE Training and PCID

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair restoration training is now offered in Ankara, Turkey at the Hair Transplant Training Center. The training course is set up in a way that allows the surgeon to receive hands on training over a six-day period. An experienced FUE surgeon is always nearby to answer questions or assist the trainee. The training can be valuable for a physician’s entire surgery team. Different tools are introduced, and the trainee is instructed on how to use the instruments. The Powered Cole Isolation Device (PCID) produced by Cole Instruments is one of the tools learned during this program. In addition to the one-on-one instruction, the hands-on training this course provides is probably the most beneficial aspect of the program.

Dr. Fabrizio, a plastic surgeon from Brazil, recently attended this training program, because he wished to improve his FUE technique. During his six days there, he became familiar with the PCID. Dr. Fabrizio spoke highly of the device and even mentioned a few advantages of the instrument. He especially liked the flexibility the device offers. Dr. Fabrizio stated. “When using the PCID, you can change the setting to choose the best setting for the patient, try different sizes of punches, and even different kinds of punches (serrounded or regular punches)”. He goes on to say that every patient is different, and with this device, you have the ability to make the right selections for each individual patient.

When speaking about his experience with the training program, Dr. Fabrizio says, “This is the best FUE training; it’s like a private lesson. You learn how to do extractions, how to reduce transection, and you can bring your assistant.” While learning to improve your FUE technique, a local doctor with more than ten years of FUE experience is beside you. Those who attend the training program can perform the surgery and extractions, with a highly skilled FUE surgeon to answer any questions along the way.

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