Recently, Dr. Cole visited HDC in Cyprus to allow the staff physicians there to experience the new items available from Cole Instruments. Dr. Cole originally trained the staff at HDC in both FUE and strip surgery in 2003. Since this time, HDC has done a wonderful job and produced many outstanding results for their patients.
Dr. Cole demonstrated his new Power Cole Isolation Device, PCID, along with his new line of punches. The staff physicians were able to see the advantages of the punches Dr. Cole manufactures along with the speed and accuracy of the PCID. Dr. Cole easily extracted grafts on a patient using the 0.85 mm punch set at a 2.3 mm depth. The patient had a previous strip procedure at another clinic and desired to fill the area in with additional hair, as well as treat the unsightly strip scar.
Dr. Cole then discussed the advantages of sharp punches over dull punches along with the theories behind FUE harvesting of grafts with minimal transection. The staff was very pleased with the sharp, thin walls of Dr. Cole’s punches. They immediately ordered 30 punches for use on their patients.